Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Turmoil in the DA's Office?

A source close to the DA's office tells us that there has been a recent rash of ADA's quitting the office. At least two have quit recently, including the chief assistant DA, and word is that others are looking to jump ship as well. Is this coincidence of personal circumstances, or a larger problem within the office? Not clear. But with a string of bad recent defeats, including the arson case (which was the UGA police's fault, in my opinion, although it perhaps could have been handled better by the DA's office as well), it doesn't look good. And losing a lot of people at once probably doesn't help matters. Here's hoping that Mr. Mauldin, who we think is overall a pretty good guy and a good DA, can keep it all duct-taped together over there. We hope to have more on this later.

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