Thursday, September 28, 2006

Heidi/Charlie blurbs...

Received a press release from Jeff Snowden of Charlie Maddox's campaign. Charlie has posted his answers to the Athens Grow Green Coalition questionnaire of mayoral candidates. You can read his responses here.

Saw my first Heidi signage the other day. Nice, narrow vertical blue and white signs reading "Heidi Our Mayor". Very catchy.

Everyone to your corners.


Anonymous said...

and you can read Heidi's responses here:

as well as a host of other platform, issues, and accomplishments during her first term...better grab a snack - it's a very long read.

BTW - those signs are just to mark the yards where our friends are having the big yard sale.


Anonymous said...

I'm curious about all the older white guys with Oconee County Warrior decals and Charlie stickers on their trucks and Cadillacs. Who are these guys?

Anonymous said...

more people who hate heidi

Ryanetics said...

Those guys with the Charlie stickers? They are Republicans, which is pretty much what Charlie is. The Republican Party headquarters on Prince even had an "I'm with Charlie" sign in their front yard a few weeks back. Plus Jeff Snowden and his business partners make no bones about being Republicans themselves - the math is pretty simple on this one.